
Floating in the stellar sea..

In the infinite Now, I am expanding my gratitude
for ALL that IS
for Divine works of the Universe
for this great Intelligence
Everything here is so greatly synchronized and in perfect order!
We are able to see it when we rise beyond our egos to our true nature, of who we truly are, as we look up to the stars, when we forgive for everyone and we unite..
We each have so wonderful and unique gifts to offer, with which we can contribute to the whole
we are the one strong force when we work together
Even if we think that something is "wrong", there is always hidden lesson for us to learn..in this Earth school..designed for our higher development and self - realization. It keeps returning until we learn.
We should end up with our judgement what is right and wrong, and to go beyond, to experience our true selves found in the stillness of the mind.
It is time to remember our stories, and to awaken for our divine purposes.
With hearts open to the Universal Love, grounded in the beautiful mother Earth, reaching up to the heavens, we shine, and we create a songs of our hearts, transforming all matter..so we may awaken also other parts of ourselves..
so we may become whole once again.

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