We are back from our first Lightning In a Bottle festival experience. That's a very nice unfoldment of the journey after the last Burning Man, that impacted our lives so profoundly. As we did set our camp next to the lake shore, a first sight that we saw it was a dead decaying vulture, laying down on the ground straight across from us..I find it as a very powerful and actually positive symbolism of renewal, and my deepest desire and intention it was to die to my old limited self, to be born again, more fully healed and empowered, more powerfully shining my light. My little conscious mind was blown away again in many different ways, expanding beyond, into the unknown. What a great blessing to have this opportunity for an accelerated growth, to find myself amongst the whole community of very liberated people from all over, who are also serious about their creativity, spiritual growth and expansion.
I did choose to not paint live this time, but rather to explore more freely, to get the ideas..and surely I did. I am feeling very humbled, even more inspired, and highly motivated through watching other artists, attending to the great performances, different lectures, workshops, guided meditations, and dancing myself into the ecstatic states of bliss. There is so much for me to manifest, to co-create.. wondering how this all will reflect through my work..
We already brought LIB experience back home in the same day of our return, inviting one of the main musical acts of this festival - Sorne, to perform in our venue. It's music very tribalistic in nature, and the main vocalist Morgan has some of the most incredible voices..he moved some people to tears through his very energetic, and free creative expression.